Monday, July 27, 2009

How Simple it really is

I received this from ‘a friend’ recently and thought to share it with you. It depicts accurately the message we are sending in this blog. Although our blog will become rich with ideas and ways to help others, my friend’s message shows just how easily this can be done - we don’t have to look far to make a difference.

“My parents just came here for a visit to help with the kids during an unusually busy time. All the while they were here, they were looking for more to do. They glued kitchen chairs that kept coming apart. They fixed a hinge so a door would close properly. They organized a closet, replaced batteries and washed countless dishes.”

Time with my parents often leaves me marvelling at their generosity. It also makes me want to be more generous myself. Sometimes I get so caught up in taking care of my family and myself that I do little for others. I mean, who needs any more to do?

I don’t have to create a foundation or run a non-profit to be of service. Like Mother Teresa said, I can do small things with great love. I can bake bread for a neighbour, hold a door for a stranger and stop cutting people off when I drive.”

Saverio Manzo

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